Local Media/Releases


Rhineland Starts process of Developing Master Drainage Plan

Surface Drainage and a Letter to Grads

Updates on Gretna and Plum Coulee Projects

Federal Government Kicks in For Gretna Arena Upgrades

Good Amount of Spring Melt

Municipality of Rhineland Budget 2023

Drain and Ditch Clearing Begins in Rhineland

Flood Preparations underway

2023 Budget Planning Continues

Work begins at Plum Coulee Fire Hall and Public Works

Resurfacing of Trans Canada Trail

LUD of Gretna Special Services Levy up for debate

Don Wiebe energized for another term

Rhineland establishes shelter belt program

Flooding has stabilized in Rhineland

Progress being made on oil spill at Gretna Cemetary

Regional water levels hold steady

RPGA developing new bylaws

Altona & Rhineland Mull Landfill request

Rhineland looks to make LUD Appointment

Rhineland sets guidelines for arenas

Rhineland meets with Province to talk drainage

Reeve Pinpoints Development As a 2019 Highlight

Rhineland Council carefully weights Gretna Special service levy

Rhineland forges ahead with Climate change..

Rhineland Reeve on Draft Recreation Report                      
Municipality commits to blue sky expansion