More than 40 years after Charlie Hayward made his pitch to the Town Council to build a new skating rink on the south end of town, the Gretna Community Arena Committee paid off the last of the loan used to build a new, enclosed arena just south of the Public School. Built in 1976, it took 6 years of hard work and fundraising to pay for the building.

Fast forward to 2000, the Gretna Community Arena Committee embarked upon a $1 million upgrade (half of which was volunteer sweat equity) to the arena infrastructure. With project leadership by John Funk, geothermal artificial ice, new hockey boards and glass, four new dressing rooms & a new tractor shed were added to enhance the experience for users.
Now the arena enjoys a 5 month ice season uninterrupted by warm spells which formerly threatened the natural ice surface.
The arena is home to hockey programs ranging from recreational programs for beginning players through minor and high school hockey to adult recreational leagues and public skating.
The Arena demonstrates the community spirit that Gretna residents display, which has carried the Town from its early beginnings through many difficult times.
For Arena Bookings call (204) 324-5357 ext 2 or send us an email.
Wednesdays 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Fridays 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Sponsored By:
Summit Insulation Services
Access Credit Union
Sunvalley Tire Ltd.
Municipality of Rhineland
Sponsored By:
Summit Insulation Services
Access Credit Union
Sunvalley Tire Ltd.
Municipality of Rhineland
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