The Municipality of Rhineland Passed By-Law 2023-02 to promote economic growth for industrial and commercial growth.
For questions on how we can help you please call the Office at (204) 324-5357 or Email
Business, Industry & Opportunity
Municipality Office
The Municipality of Rhineland is proud of its active business community which is comprised of a wide variety of goods and services. We are surrounded by prime agricultural land, thus the agricultural industry and manufacturing industry have a great effect on our economy. Five industry sectors employ over half of our regions labour force: manufacturing, agriculture, retail, healthcare, construction, and workforce. Local residents are employed in management, trades, transport, primary industries and process manufacturing at a higher rate than the Manitoba average employment in those areas. We have an Industrial Park located just north of the Town of Altona on Hwy #30 and land available in Plum Coulee off of Eastview drive.

The Municipality of Rhineland is proud of its active business community which is comprised of a wide variety of goods and services. We are surrounded by prime agricultural land, thus the agricultural industry and manufacturing industry have a great effect on our economy. Five industry sectors employ over half of our regions labour force: manufacturing, agriculture, retail, healthcare, construction, and workforce. Local residents are employed in management, trades, transport, primary industries and process manufacturing at a higher rate than the Manitoba average employment in those areas. We have an Industrial Park located just north of the Town of Altona on Hwy #30 and land available in Plum Coulee off of Eastview drive.
Some of the services available are gravity flow sewer system, high quality water from different water co-ops, individual wells and natural gas. Other services include high speed Internet, full service Canada Post Office and 9-1-1 services.
For assistance with building permits, plumbing and development permits, zoning issues, variation orders and conditional use applications contact the Office in Altona office at (204) 324-5357 or Email.
Are you interested in locating your business in Rhineland? Do not hesitate to contact us. We'll help you with your business project, from planning right through to implementation, and supply you with any business development information you require.