Report a Street Light Problem/Hydro Rebates

Street light To report a street light problem in your area, please click here. You can also contact Hydro Directly at (204) 362-3284.

Manitoba Hydro Power Smart currently offers the Home Insulation Program. The program offers rebates to qualifying customers that add insulation to their homes to reach Power Smart levels.  

Save money and energy while making your home more comfortable year-round. By increasing your insulation to Manitoba Hydro recommended levels, you could be eligible for a rebate that could cover up to 100% of your insulation material cost. Apply to the Home Insulation Program through your retailer or contractor before you start your project. For more information please visit, 


Manitoba Hydro Refrigerator Retirement Program. 

This is a program that provides free in-home pick-up and environmentally responsible recycling of eligible fridges and freezers. It is available to all permanent residents in your community who live in single family homes. The program benefits customers by saving energy as well as earning a financial incentive for each unit retired. It benefits your community by having to deal with less waste at the landfill for working appliances that would have otherwise ended up there. 

 To date, over 66,000 fridges and freezers have been retired through the program, of which approximately 210 have come directly from your community.

The summer and fall are typically a busy time for this program and demand has been strong. We are opening up more appointments for customers and will be in your community soon. Find out if you qualify and book your pick-up today.