Please contact our office at 204-324-5357 ext 2 or email for a copy of our By-Laws.
Below is the list of the Municipality of Rhineland By-Laws:
2015-16 Off Road Vehicles By-Law for Plum Coulee
2015-10 Lottery License By-Law
2016-05 Borrowing By-Law Low Level Crossing
2016-06 Borrowing By-Law (Amending 2015-4) Municipal Office
2016-10 Business License Repeal By-Law
2017-01 Arena Borrowing
2017-02 Borrowing Amendment for Priority Grain Roads
2017-17 Plum Coulee Special Service Levy
2018-02 Elections By-Law
2018-03 Council Contributions and Election Expenses
2018-05 Establishment of Designated Officers
2018-06 LPS Plum Coulee East
2018-09 Rosenfeld School speed zone
2018-10 Plum Coulee Nuisance Grounds
2018-12 Fire Protection Reserve Fund
2018-13 Disposal Site Reserve Fund
2018-14 Infrastructure Reserve
2018-17 Organizational By-Law
2018-18 Procedural By-Law
2019-04 Financial Plan
2019-06 Building By Law Jurisdiction
2019-12 Unsightly Property By-Law
2019-13 Derelict Vehicles
2019-15 By-Law Enforcement
2019-16 Provincial Offences Act By-Law
2019-19 Outdoor Fire By-Law
2020-03 Adopt the Financial Plan
2020-04 Regulation of Firearms
2020-05 Rhineland Utility Reserve ( Previous RM)
2020-06 Plan of Works
2020-07 Traffic and Parking
2020-09 Noise By-Law ( Engine Retarder Brakes)
2020-02 Amend PC East Low Pressure Sewer Borrowing By-Law
2021-01 Regulation of Retail Hours
2021-04 Financial Plan
2021-06 Rhineland Zoning By-Law with Maps
2021-02 Spruce Bay Street Naming
2021-03 River Avenue Street Naming
2021-07 Local Improvement By-Law Plum Coulee Fire Hall / Public Works Purchase
2022-01 2022 Financial Plan
2022-02 Municipal Resources During Election Period
2022-04 Speed Limits
2022-03 Re-zoning Gnadenfeld
2022-09 Council Indemnity By-Law
2022-07 LUD of Rosenfeld Garbage and Recycling fees
2022-08 Plum Coulee Special Services Tax
2023-03 Tax Rebate By-Law
2023-02 Traffic Signs By-law
2024-01 Reeve and Council Indemnity By-Law
2024-02 Water Flowthrough Rates By-Law
2024-03 Financial Plan By-Law
2024-04 Franchise to Centra Gas
2024-05 Animal Control By-Law
2024-06 Amend Zoning 2021-06
2024-07 Speed Limit
2024-08 Council Code of Conduct