A village in the Municipality of Rhineland, in 1949 it became the Unincorporated Village of Rosenfeld with a council of three persons, elected every three years, and a Secretary-Treasurer appointed by the elected council.
When the Manitoba Municipal Act was re-written in 1996, it became a Local Urban District (LUD), which it remains today.
You can find the Rosenfeld History Book here.
LUD Committee
Cathy Pokrant
Rosenfeld Outdoor Rink (204) 324-8902
Rosenfeld Good Neighbor Center - Nettie Wall 204-304-0494

Within a decade, 6,000 people were living in the seventeen townships reserved for their use. Seventy villages were founded and the land was divided into long strips around each village. This proved to be an inefficient system for grain farming and, by 1924, the open field pattern and many villages had been abandoned. Near the plaque is a fieldstone cairn, dedicated on 2 August 1970, commemorating the pioneers of the Rosenfeld area.
2016 Census
Population in 2021: 394 (updated Feb 2024)
Population in 2016: 338
Population in 2011: 348
Total Private Dwellings: 133 (updated Feb 2024)