Forms/Applications/Documents/Important Links

RPGA Building Permit Requirements

The purpose of a permit:

The building permit process is designed to ensure that when any renovations, additions or construction of a building is undertaken, that:

  • All requirements of the Applicable Zoning By-law are met
  • The minimum requirements as per the Manitoba Building Code, Plumbing Code and or Fire Codes are met
  • These codes have been established to ensure that the safety of the occupant and the building will not be compromised

When a permit is required:                                                          

  • For the demolition of a building
  • Any addition to a building
  • For the construction of a building greater than 107 square feet
  • The construction of any new or change to an existing plumbing system
  • Enclosure of an existing deck or porch
  • Basement development
  • A renovation that:
    • Affects any structural component of the building
    • Is designed to change the occupancy of the building
    • Costs over $5,000.00

NOTE: This list is not all inclusive. Contact the RPGA General Manager at (204) 324-5357 ext.3 for clarification prior to starting any project. A permit may not be required.

Information required when applying for a building permit:

The information required for issuing a building permit will vary depending on the project. All or some of the following items may be required:

  • Name and address of the owner
  • Legal address of the permit location
  • Name and address of the constructor
  • Property pins or a building location certificate
  • A site plan complete with dimensions from property lines
  • A complete foundation plan
  • Wall cross section
  • Floor plan with all dimensions
  • Bedroom window dimensions
  • Engineer and or Architect designed plans
  • Others as required

Note: All trusses must be engineer designed and stamped

Select an item below to download a specific document: 

Building permit application

Development Permit - Agriculture

Development Permit - Signs

Development Permit - Moving permit

Development Permit - all others

All applications must be completed and reviewed by the RPGA General Manager before approval to proceed. You may email your application with your supporting documents to the RPGA General Manger as well.

For all part 3 building permit applications contact MSTW at (204) 822-6223 or check their website for information on requirements.


RPGA Development Plan